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Sounds of Seattle (single release version)

(this older version has a different mix and is severely lacking a bass guitar.  "Severely" just meaning "there is none".)


Poetry and prose.

I can't wait for these memories to be paraphrased,

'Cause history always finds a way

Turning good intentions into disgrace.


And when the flames are finally out,

will you be able to move along?

Silence the noise of battle,

and leave me with the quiet sounds of Seattle.


Alitteration of apathy.

No benefits from a change of scenery.

What's that you say?

Was it really all a waste?


And when the flames are finally out,

will you be able to move along?

Silence the noise of battle,

and leave me with the quiet sounds of Seattle.


And it pulled out from under the ground we were on.

And we watched as we saw that 

Nothing temporary could last long. 


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